This is a Test


This life is a test, your day at work or school was a test. Every time that you walk out the door, you are about to take some of the biggest tests that you will ever take. These tests matter more than any other test in school.

What type of test is this? These are life tests.

Tests that matter on an eternal scale rather than just a temporary secular one. These life tests may be hidden to the naked eye, you may never able to anticipate them either. Sometimes you don’t even know that you’re even in one until it’s too late. When they do happen, sometimes we get “A”s and other times we may even get “F”s.

Even though life’s tests can be extremely difficult, they stretch us. They are utlimately for our benefit. Even though we may get an “F” one day, let’s be cognizant that we will get another chance to retake that test and let’s be sure that we grow from our “F” experience and turn around and get that “A”.


2 thoughts on “This is a Test

  1. Wow that was awesome! Considering I took 3 whopping tests just this week, it was very relatable. We are tested each day. That’s what this life is about!!! Thank you for your post!


  2. This is a very good analogy. I like the idea that life is a test because when we take tests, they are typically on things that we have studied or been learning about. In the same way, I like to think that the test of life is on things that we can usually get through okay as long as we have been paying attention to the things around us. That’s just my two cents about it. Thanks for bringing this up though!


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