Find your happy place

When I think of life sometimes, I think of something similar to this:


I think of a busy street with people crossing; buses and taxis zooming past in order to pick up pedestrians. I think of stoplights turning green, yellow, and red; I think of cars weaving in between each other trying to be first in line. When looking at the photo shown above, one may think of complete chaos and loud noises; and if you’re in fact thinking of this then you’re probably right.

When looking at the photo shown above, one may think of complete chaos and loud noises; and if you’re in fact thinking of this then you’re probably right. So what is one to do in these times of chaos when it seems that nothing seems to be going to plan, nothing is working out, and you don’t have any time to even breathe?

The answer is clear and concise; find your happy place.

According to Oxford Living Dictionary, a “happy place” is defined as:

“a place which a person associates with happiness, visualized as a means of reducing stress, calming down, etc.; (hence) a happy state of mind.”

A happy place can consist of or be all sorts of different things. For example, my happy place is the gym, that is my place of refuge and sanctuary. Whenever I feel down, depressed, or agitated, I use it to relieve all the stresses of my world. Literally every time that I go and work out I feel an overwhelming sense of peace and comfort as if both my entire body and mind are numb from the stresses and chaos of the world and nothing else matters.

I challenge all of us to find our happy place, whatever it may be, and to utilize it whenever we are stressed, down, depressed, agitated, or even happy already so that we may achieve that “happy state of mind” always. We will be more at peace with ourselves and we will have a happier outlook on life.



3 thoughts on “Find your happy place

  1. First time visiting your blog, I really like the way you’ve layed it out. And I’m guessing you name is chase

    I think that your post touches on something really simple but also something that can have a great impact on our lives. We all have ways of dealing with stress and hard situations. Finding your “happy place” can be a great way to motivate us toward a dream and refresh our minds.

    Thanks for sharing


  2. Chase, those are great words. I love how even with everything thats going on around us we can go to our happy place and de stress. I think it’s important for all of us to have a happy place or hobbies that help us relax and de-stress from the world. I hope with the craziness of life you can relax and enjoy life!


  3. This is great. Your post makes we want to spend some time and really define my personal happy place. It seems like this practice has helped you, but how do you think going to our happy place helps us accomplish our goals? I’m curious as to what correlations you think there are between escaping to our happy place and accomplishing our dreams.


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